How'd This Start?I fell in love with gaming my freshman year of college. My floor got together and played Dungeons and Dragons and a myriad of other nerdy board games I had not even known existed. And I am so glad I did, as gaming has become a part of not only me, but my whole family.
What Am I Playing?My favorite game to play has been Seasons, a card game where you gain elements and spend them to summon creatures and items to help you best your wizardly competition.
My most recent purchase has been No Thank You, Evil, a sort of My First DnD in which players and their children will become classes such as a Princess, or a Cool Pirate Who Eats Ice Cream, and combat evil using story telling and dice rolls, and I literally cannot wait for my children to reach the age of reason so we can play this together and they can tell me where I went wrong with them. But at least we'll be playing games together! |